Xiaoyang Zhong

Ph.D. in Computer Science, Purdue University

pic xiaoyang399@gmail.com

pic 317-459-5648

I am a new grad PhD in Computer Science from Purdue University. My advisors are Dr. Yao Liang from CIS@IUPUI and Dr. Y. Charlie Hu from CS@PUWL. I am ready to start a new page.


2011.8 ~ 2018.5 PhD in Computer Science, Purdue University
Research Domain: Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs).
GPA: 3.93
2007.8 ~ 2011.7 BS in Electronic Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
GPA: 3.45


Wireless Sensor Networks

Internet of Things


Xiaoyang Zhong and Yao Liang, Scalable Downward Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Things Actuation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.03898, 2018.

G. Villalba, F. Plaza, X. Zhong, T. W. Davis, M. Navarro, Y. Li, T. A. Slater, Y. Liang, and X. Liang, A Networked Sensor System for the Analysis of Plot-Scale Hydrology. Sensors, 2017, 17(3), 636.

Zhong, Xiaoyang and Yao Liang. Raspberry Pi: An Effective Vehicle in Teaching the Internet of Things in Computer Science and Engineering. Electronics (Basel) 2016.

Liu, Rui, Yao Liang, and Xiaoyang Zhong. Monitoring Routing Topology in Dynamic Wireless Sensor Network Systems. ICNP 2015.

Navarro, Miguel, Tyler W. Davis, German Villalba, Yimei Li, Xiaoyang Zhong, Newlyn Erratt, Xu Liang, and Yao Liang. Towards long-term multi-hop WSN deployments for environmental monitoring: an experimental network evaluation. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 3, no. 4 (2014): 297-330.

Zhong, Xiaoyang, Miguel Navarro, German Villalba, Xu Liang, and Yao Liang. MobileDeluge: Mobile Code Dissemination for Wireless Sensor Networks. In Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), 2014 IEEE 11th International Conference on, pp. 363-370. IEEE, 2014. (Code)


I worked as TA for several network related courses: Data Communication & Computer Networks (53600, 43600), Wireless Sensor Networks (59000), Internet of Things (49000).

Internet of Things is a relatively new area consisting of many newly developed hardware and software, resulting in insufficient support for beginners. I developed tutorials to help students to get hands-on experiences on IoT-related hardware and software. (some links in the tutorials may be outdated due to the updates in the websites)